We're partnering up with the larger web608 organization this month to
help kick-off the MadGTUG gatherings. I hope that we can build on this
and begin to meet regularly to discuss Google technologies.
With the help of Andew Shell, web608 has put together two talks for
Thursday, March 25th at the Network 222 offices. And they are both
related to Google technologies. :)
Network 222 Training Room
222 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI
Thursday, March 25th from 7-9 pm
==Mapping Natural Resources, Alan Koskelin==
Learn about using Google Maps to visualize natural resources
See interactive maps take shape from GPS coordinates in a public
database of water quality measurements.
==App Engine Overview, Greg Tracy==
How you can quickly and cheaply experiment with new web application
ideas using Google's cloud platform.
Greg will provide an overview of the App Engine platform, and walk
through a couple of his personal projects that were built on it. Plus
bonus material! He will demo how easy it is build telephony
applications using Twilio.