GTUG + StartupWeekend Labour Day Workshop
Android, Google Web Toolkit, Lean Startup
40 attendees
No sitting behind the computers on Labour Day at home! Together with GTUG Slovakia. We`ve decided to get you some information about useful technologies and startup pitches within the workshop 10 days before Startup Weekend Bratislava 2. And here you are – the programm:First Android presentation - Martin AdamekSecond GWT - Laco Gažo/Peter SimunThird Agile development - Ivan PotančokDate, time, venture: 1st May, 2 pm – 10 pm, FEI STU in Bratislava.
Spring Feast with GTUG.sk (Oslavy jari s GTUG)
Android, Google Web Toolkit, PhoneGap, Responsive Web Design
90 attendees
We held our annual meetup about following topics:
PhoneGap - how to, pros and cons.
Responsive Web Design - in GWT
From the life of the programmer - free talk about programmers burnout and recovery :)
Hackaton #3: Global Android Dev Camp
Android, Google App Engine, Google Maps APIs
8 attendees
We participated on Global Android Dev Camp. We continued on our project called pivo+, and started another one - android backgrounds. There were 8 hackers present + 3 wathers.
Fall GTUGsk meetup
Android, Google Web Toolkit, gMail development process
We organized it as an follower of gddcz. Petra Cross had presentation about development process they use for gmail FE. Peter Rafaj had presentation about GWT 2.x features. Google Slovakia (Rasťo and Juraj) talked a bit about this new Google daughter and what they are doing here in Slovakia. Tomáš Vondráček z inmite.cz gave us some valuable advices about Android UI.
About 75 people registered, I guess about 90 came. See more at meetup or at our blog.
GTUG.sk: Hackathon #2
Android, Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit
7 attendees
Second hackaton of our GTUG. 7 people attented. They were implementing android application with app engine backend named pivo+ (beer+) Its goal is to rate, discuss and share beer pubs. It was not finished, so there is the great need of the third hackaton :) Read more
GTUG.sk: Hackathon #1
First Hackathon organized by GTUG.sk dedicated to Android. The event will be held in hackerspace Progressbar, so thank you to allow us to hack there. Official invitation can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHO6nKwCTds.
GTUG.sk fourth meetup
Android, Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit, Project Management, HTML5, Vaadin
100 attendees
First event with speakers from Google. Filip Hracek (Google Czech Republic), Marek Blizco (Google Poland) will come to talk about HTML5 status quo and project management done in Google way. After last events we decided to move meetup to bigger room, this time we will be occupying a lecture hall (150 seats). Hope to make it full :-) This event will cover Android (Richard Mihalovic), Vaadin (Samuel Korslak), Devoxx News (Jakub Marton), Appengine (Laco Gazo, Marta Psenkova). Thanx to my alma mater Faculty of Informatics and Iformation Technology to allow us organize this event at the uni for free of charge.
GTUG.sk third meetup
Android, Google App Engine, Google Apps
35 attendees
Android focused meetup with following schedule:
- Introduction to Android development
- Andoird OS versions
- mojandroid.sk - Andoroid comunity portal
- HTC Android Phones prsentation
- Most popular Android applications
- Google app engine datastore access strategies (Query Bookmarks, Query Cursors)
GTUG.sk second meetup
Android, Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit
27 attendees
- Introduction (GTUG 1st year birthday) - GWT projects presentations (1 hour for your presentations) - Live stream from Google I/O (only available for local GTUG groups) - GWT related discussions - Beer at the pub :)
GTUG kick-off and GWT know how startup meeting
Google Web Toolkit
15 attendees
We'd like to invite you for GTUG.sk kick-off and GWT mohicans startup introduction.
We should talk about:
- GTUG.sk activities
- general Google Web Toolkit (GWT) questions/answers
- GWT acris framework introduction
- ICM introduction
0th GTUG intro meetup
Google Web Toolkit
6 attendees
0th GTUG.sk meetup. Introductory meetup of initial GTUG members to establish GTUG.sk infrastructure: web page, mailing list, blog, etc.
Technological topics:
+ GWT SOYC (Story Of our Compile)
+ Grails on GAE