GDG Meetup 13
Android, Google Maps APIs
Talk about Google map and Android technologies.
node.js code jam ( Learning 7 languages in 7 weeks)
Learn node.js program langauge.
Three teacher will help enigneers to learn node.js and do coding dojo in one day.
Then, finish the tasks in one week.
GDG Meetup 12
Google App Engine, Google Earth APIs, Google Map, Goagent
32 attendees
Talk about three topics:
1) Google Map - new features
2) Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine
3) Goagent , DNS.v2ex.com and other tools.
GDG Meetup 11
Talk about HTML5 programming
Learn HTML5 codes by example
Hackathon Review Meeting
Hackathon, Agile
7 attendees
Review Hackathon organizations and try to improve the work flow and details in the future.
Startup Hackathon
Android, Google AJAX APIs, Google Maps APIs, Google Web Toolkit, Python, Ruby, NodeJS, Cloud
150 attendees
Hackathon for startups.
Everyone who have ideas can join a team and finish the project, them demo it.
Saturday 11/10
8:30-9:00 Registration,
9:00-9:15 Welcome & Sponsor Introductions
9:15-11:00 Sponsor API talks
11:00-12:30 Team pitches & formation
12:00 Lunch & make new friends
13:00 Break out sessions
13:30 awesome hacking
16:00 Snack
18:00 Light dinner
18:30 Hacking
Sunday 11/11
09:00 Coffee & Bagels
12:00 Lunch & hacky sack
15:00 Submit Website, software, App or Hack
15:30 Rehease, Rehearse & Rehearse your demo some more
16:00 Demos moments, vigorous applause encouraged
18:00 Judging, Prizes, high fives
18:30 Goodbye.
Rock climbing
The winner team and the orgainizers come to climb rock.
GDG Meetup 10
Teach android techonlogy.
Talk about mobile apps.
Jez Humble - Agile Salon
Jez Humble
As a Principal at ThoughtWorks Studios, Jez focuses on helping organizations deliver valuable, high-quality software frequently and reliably through implementing effective engineering practices. He is the co-author of the Jolt Award-winning Continuous Delivery, published in Martin Fowler’s Signature Series (Addison Wesley, 2010). Jez has worked with a variety of platforms and technologies, consulting for non-profits, telecoms, financial services, and online retail companies.
Continuous Delivery
This session will be discussing the value of CD to the business. Then present the principles and practices involved in continuous delivery, including value stream mapping, the deployment pipeline, acceptance test driven development, zero-downtime releases, and incremental development.
Ruby Code Jam ( Learning 7 languages in 7 weeks)
Learn Ruby program langauge. Learn Agile method (Pair Programming), Test Driven Development.
One teacher help enigneers to learn Ruby and do coding dojo in one day.
Then, finish the tasks in one week.
Hackathon Plan Meeting
Plan to hold 11-10 to 11-11 hackathon
GDG Shanghai Organizers Meetup
Android, Events and Organization
7 attendees
The former GDG organizer KJ came from Singapore to meet current GDG organizers.
- Talk about some oraginzations and events in Singapore.
- Talk about GDG shanghai events.
- Give some suggestions to GDG shanghai.
PyConChina2012 Shanghai - After Party
After the party, speakers, audiences and voluteers come to dinner together and talk more technologies of Python
The secondary PyCon China conference.
More than 20 topics about python programming.
GDG Meetup 9
Teach android techonlogy.
Talk about mobile apps.
Talk about the ideathon event details.
ideathon review meeting
Reviewing the ideathon process and results.
Providing more ideas for next hackathon.
China Ideathon 2012
Android, Google Chrome Extensions, Startup ideas
240 attendees
1) Topics about how to use "MECE", "Six thinking hats", "Mind graph", "Agile Design" to think about one idea.
2) Product managers, designers, engineers come togather and design product prototype (axure) in 24 hours.
GDG Meetup 8
Android, ideathon
24 attendees
Teach android techonlogy.
Talk about mobile apps.
Talk about the ideathon event details.
GDG Meetup 7
Teach android techonlogy.
Talk about mobile apps.
Talk about the communities.
After Party - "DevFest Shanghai 2012"
Android, Google Chrome Extensions, HTML5
14 attendees
After the party, speakers, audiences and voluteers come to dinner together and talk more technologies of Google.
DevFest Shanghai 2012
Android, Google Chrome Extensions, Google Maps APIs, HTML5, Golang
350 attendees
DevFest is the largest event in local city.
We will prepare 6 topics.
2 Android Topics
1 Chrome Extensions
1 Golang
1 Google Map API
GDG Meetup 6
Android Developers talk about everything about Android.
Community Managers also come and talk about DevFest Shanghai.
R CodeJam ( Learning 7 languages in 7 weeks)
Learn R, process data and draw graphs.
One teacher help enigneers to learn R and do coding dojo in one day.
Then, finish the tasks in one week.
GDG Meetup 5
Talk about start up. Android technology.
Teach some guys/girls to learn Android program.
GDG Meetup 4
Talk about start up. Android technology.
Teach some guys/girls to learn Android program.
After Party- "Android Conference"
Android, HTML5
28 attendees
After Android conference, geeks go to dinner together and talk more things about Android, HTML5.
Mobile Developers Conference - Android track
Hold a small meeting in a track of big conference.
All topics are about how to develop great android applications.
GDG Meetup 3
Talk about start up. Android technology.
Teach some guys/girls to learn Android program.
Android Study Group Event 1
Two topics about the Android.
Python CodeJam ( Learning 7 languages in 7 weeks)
Android, Google Chrome Extensions
70 attendees
Two teachers teach enigneers to learn python and do coding dojo in one day.
Then, the engineers need finish the tasks in one week.
GDG Meetup 2
Android Developers talk about everything about Android.
Community Managers also come and talk about how to manage and plan a great event.
GDG Meetup 1
Android developers talk about everything about Android. (Devices, Skills, Stories)
After Google IO Meetup
Android, Google App Engine, Google Chrome Extensions, Google Maps APIs
Experience sharing and devices showing, discussing.6.23日的Google I/O大会,Sergey Brin的Google Glasses Demo让大家激动不已。我们的一群Geek也坐在Google办公室以及延平智阁,收看这一盛会。与此同时,上海GDG的Sting和Stony, Lugang正在旧金山现场,亲身感受这一盛会。 8.4日,我们有请Sting和Stony这两位为大家分享Google I/O的所见所闻,一探Google以及最新的技术趋势,同时,还将分享从google I/O带来的纪念品,Nexus 7, Nexus Q, Chromebook, Google TV等最新设备,让大家一饱眼福。 活动内容
13:00 - 14:00 Sting介绍见闻,Google I/O趋势
14:00 - 15:00 Stony展示设备,介绍Google I/O花絮
15:00 - 18:00 自由交流,设备试玩(主办方准备了饮料和零食,请自带电脑)
Mobile startup founders meetup (round table)
Android, Startup
12 attendees
Some CEO/CTO/engineers from startup companies come to talk about the opportunities in recent one yeafr.
Training and Sharing for community managers
How to design win-win events
38 attendees
More enterprises want to sponsor community events, becuase they want to get a win-win result.
1) Opentalk one: some people from sponsors to talk why they want to support developers communities.
2) Opentalk two: some people from different communities to talk how to orgainze a win=win event.
Golang CodeJam - Learning 7 languages in 7 weeks
Two teachers help enigeers to learn golang and do coding dojo in One day.
Then, finish the task in one week.
Google IO Extend (Yan Pin Zhi Ge)
Android, Google IO
50 attendees
As Google IO extend. Watch Google IO live video from 11:30 pm to 6:00 am.
Google IO Extend (Google Shanghai office)
Android, Google Maps APIs, GoogleIO
50 attendees
Google IO Extend events.
1) Android topics by Google experts.
2) Watch the video of Google IO
College Tour for Android Development - East China Normal University
Topics about how to develop android applications.
Training and Experience Sharing for community managers
GDG Invited the core team in all kinds of technology communities in shanghai to share some ideas.
16 communities attend, Evey community give 8 mintutes speech.
26 people have a lunch together.
10 people go to coffee shop and talk.
College Tour for Android Development - Shanghai JiaoTong Univerisity
1) Why Andriod, Why Mobile - The introduce for Android.
2) Development Basic (MVC in Android) - Stony Wang
3) The opportunities in Open Source Area. - Zhuang Biaowei
4) Q & A
RSCon China 2012 ( Recommend system Conference)
Recommend system technology
320 attendees
1) GTUG and TopGeek Introduction.
2) How to build a recommend system from zero - Xiang Liang
3) Taobao.com recommend system development and opearation experience sharing - Kong Wang
4) Dianping.com recommend system introductions. - Doctor Shen Dan
5) How to use recommend system to improve Tudou.com's converion rate - Ming HongTao.
HTML5 CodeJam
HTML5 CodeJam, 32 Hours
Total 10 teams, 60 people.
College Tour for Android Development - Shanghai Univerisity
1)Android MVC - Stony
2)Android development experience.- Lu Kang
3)Open Source - Zhuang Biaowei
GAE / Golang introduction
Google App Engine
50 attendees
1) Introduce Shanghai GTUG
2) Introducte and discuss the future of Golang.
Go is the "C" like language in the future internet world. How to learn it and use it?
3) GAE for Golang.
How to use golang to build a application.
Training and Sharing for community managers
Use agile mind to expand communities
40 attendees
GTUG Invited the core team in agile community of shanghai to share some ideas. They create the community of agile from 2008, and expand the community to more than 20 cities in china.
They also hold famous agile meeting - "ScrumGathering", "Agile Tour", and hold great conferences.
They summaried more ideas and rules that also suitable for other communites.
Development in GAE, Python related topics
Google App Engine, OpenERP
45 attendees
1) Introduce Shanghai GTUG/GDG and the objective of the event. - Mr. Chen Sting , from GTUG Community.
2) Topic "Develop and setup a blog system in GAE" - Mr. Guo ChunZhong , from SanDisk
3) Topic "Introduce the Greatest Open Source ERP System - OpenERP" - Mr. Wang Jeff , from OpenERP Community.
4) Topic "Use 18 lines python codes to develop a small ERP module with full functions" - Mr. Jian JiaHua, from OpenERP Community.
5) Open Talks
College Tour for Android Development - Tongji Univerisity
1) Introduce the event "Android Tour". - Mr. TaoYiHeng, The chairman of Google Club in Tongji University
2) Introduce Shanghai GTUG/GDG and the objective of the event. - Mr. LuKang , from GTUG Community.
3) Topic "Smartphone & Android" - Mr. Wang DaoXin, from Dianping.com
4) Topic "The creative application in Android platform" - Mr. LuKang , from Aldiko.
5) Topic "Develop games in Andoid" - Mr. Song BoHeng, from Tongji univerity. Song got the first prize in last Android development race.
6) Social books lending, about 30 books be lent by students.
Web Analytics, Product Design and Operate
Google Analytics, Google Website Optimizer
160 attendees
After Google launch new Google Analytics, there are still more people is using old version GA. So, we originize this meeting to introduce more features and tips for new GA. We also have a topic for using GA to track mobile applications (iOS app, Android app, etc.)
The Third topic is for product design - driven by data. Using GA and Google Website Optimizer to test and drive the product changes.
About 160 people come to this meeting.
GTUG Development Engineering Salon
Development Engineering
150 attendees
There were 187 registrars for this Development Engineering Salon, Total 150 people come to the event.
The meetng inlcuded three topics and one open talk. Total 6 speakers.
In this meeting, we talked some engineering things, such as, Scrum, Team building, Unit tests in Agile development process etc.
China joy GDC topics
Android, WebGL
60 attendees
Use c c++ to develop for Andriod. Lan Lewis
WebGL introduction , Gregg Tavares
Android and HTML5 Conference
Android, e.g. Google Calendar API
200 attendees
1. HTML5游戏这一年 - Spilgames Asia 陈琦
2. Rudy Bike 基于Android的电动车感应终端 - Rudybike Richard
3. 3D in HTML5 - 证券之星 施煊
4. Android应用开发的多分辨率和屏幕的支持 - CooTek - Stony Wang
5. HTML5本地蜕变 - 魏玛软件 黄冠
Android and HTML5 Night
Android, HTML5
200 attendees
HTML5 identity
Chrome / HTML5
Shanghai-GTUG May'10
Android, e.g. Google Calendar API
50 attendees
Since google leave China, we keep on moving with GTUG Shanghai.
This time we got support from Paypal Shanghai.
Here is the Agenda
1:30pm - door open, registration
2:00pm - Paypal Mobile Strategy Paypal (Michael - PayPal)
2:40pm - Mobile Gift and Ticketing (Stan Chu - 30Miao.com)
3:20pm - reserve software system on android - android client development experience (CanWei Lu)
4:00pm - Tea Break and mini-tour in Paypal China office
4:10pm - 5:30pm Workshop: Lean Startup concept(Calvin Chin from Qifang and Hank from ChinesePod)
Shanghai-GTUG Nov
Shanghai GTUG Nov
Shanghai-GTUG launch
The Shanghai-GTUG launch