Beautiful Usability Design (Motorola) & HD Haptics Vibration API (Immersion)
1. Beautiful Usability, Multiple Screens Too by Suzanne Alexandra (Motorola)
Having a great user interface is often the difference between an application that sells in Android Market and one that doesn't. The design is right when users get it easily and it's fun. But how do you create that? And how do you keep your app usable across smartphones and tablets? Come learn the best tips and UI patterns used by leading Android applications. Make your app rock everywhere!
2. Adding HD Haptics Vibration to your Android Apps for Profit by Bob Heubel (Immersion)
Bob Heubel of Immersion will present the current Android vibration control method as well as advanced control methods with toolkit options. A business opportunity for developer's Haptics Android apps will also be discussed. And use cases beyond Haptics feedback for gaming will be explored apps from communication, social networking, navigation, accessibility and more.
Note: For more information about Immersion's MOTIV developer tools for Haptics on the Android platform, you can find them at can follow Immersion's MOTIV development updates on Twitter at @MOTIV_dev and on Facebook at
Speaker Bios
Suzanne Alexandra
Suzanne is an Android Technology Evangelist at Motorola Mobility. Once a software developer, she decided to have fun with user experience, and one day, had a usability invention. She now travels and speaks on Android usability design and development for smartphones, tablets, and other cool new platforms.
Twitter: @suzalex
Bob Heubel
Bob is a haptic technology evangelist with Immersion Corporation who specializes in assisting developers implement what is known as force-feedback, tactile-feedback or rumble-feedback effects. He has spent more than ten years working with developers, carriers, OEMs and ODMs to design and implement these sensations aimed at improving both gaming and user interaction experiences. Bob graduated from UC Berkeley in 1989 with a BA in English Literature.