DevFestX Korea 2012
Android, Google App Engine, Google Chrome Extensions, Go, Dart, etc.
Seoul GTUG, GDG Suwon, Golang Korea, Dartlang Korea and Android user group in Korea got together to organize DevFestX Korea 2012. Google Korea officially supported this event. Almost 300 Google related developers gathered from all around Korea, and did session speeches, small group talks, and some fun events.
Seoul GTUG Feb 2012 Android Event
Seoul GTUG will hold our Feb 2012 event on 25th! This time we set the subject as "Android".Google Korea started to offer places for local developer communities. So we GTUG could get that opportunity too. They offers franchise event place called Toz.We only invite 25 people this time. (The room is small) We will take submission and choose who to invite.I'll share the wrap-up and pictures (and probably videos) after the event.
Seoul GTUG 8th Event
Android, Google App Engine, Google Chrome Extensions, Google Web Toolkit
80 attendees
We had a Seoul GTUG event at Google Korea Office on November, 2011
we had more than 80 attendees and great time each other.
The following is a agenda
1. Network Programming with go : Kim Jong Min
2. Google Chrome to Phone with Android & Chrome Ext. : Brian Lee (Seoul GTUG Orgaizer, @brian02k)
3. Ice Cream Sandwich : An Jin Sup
4. Android vs iOS UI : Sean Choi (Seoul GTUG Organizer)
5. Discussions
Seoul GTUG 7th Event
we will have a Google Technology User Group Event at Google Korea OfficeAnybody who want to share your knowledge can join our event!Agenda1. Web Application Development based on Chrome browser(Kwang-Nam Hui, okjsp)2. About Go (Jong-Min Kim, Go language Korea Organizor)3. Moblie Cloud Application Development (brian lee, Seoul GTUG Organizor)4. About HTML5(Min-Tae Kim, kth)5. The Brand-New IT Tech. (Jae-Kyu Choi, IT Columnist)
Seoul GTUG 6th Event (July Seminar)
Android, Google +
40 attendees
- Social Coding (GitHub) : Kwangnam Huh (okjsp organizer)
- Structure and Principal of Hybrid Apps : Kihwan Park (Developer)
- iCloud Aftermath : Jaekyu Choi
- One-day App Developing: GWT/GAEj (brian lee, Seoul GTUG organizor)
- L.E.T.S
Seoul GTUG 5th Event
Android, Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit
This time it was the smallest event we have ever had. 11 people attendeed.
However, it was really productive and fun event. One of my favorite Seoul GTUG event of all time.
We did something called L.E.T.S. It's the second time we tried it, and it was very successful on both times.
It's a type of event that you split the sessions depends on how many people attendeed, and write down somethings you "want to know" or "able to talk about it", and anyone can take that memo and put it in the session block. That way you start the session speech.
Seoul GTUG 4th Event
Seoul GTUG is holding our 4th event on April 23th!
This time we will be focused on netwroking between developers. The subjects of speeches are more generic, and We'll try something called L.E.T.S (Local Exchange Trading System) to do group meetings sharing ideas.
Here is the agenda (can be changed)
- Hybrid apps - Jaekyu Choi
- The Future of Smart TV - Edward Jee (Googler)
- Experiences of a start up - Frank Jung
- New technologies of Google - brian lee(Seoul GTUG organizor)
- L.E.T.S - Kay Kim
Thank you!
Seoul GTUG organizer meeting for April event
6 people including 2 Seoul GTUG managers and 1 Googler is having a meeting discussing how to organize the next Seoul GTUG event on April.
Technology Seminar #1
Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit, OpenSocial
We launched the opensource project which make a communication place on the web(base on google appengine, refer to http://code.google.com/p/gtughub/)
Our initial member is 5, we came into our member's personal office & shared idea & studied the GWT/AppEngine/Guice.
You can get the slide and photo of our meeting.
Seoul GTUG Organizer meeting
We are having organizers-only event to prepare next official event of Seoul GTUG.
At least 4 Organizers and 1 Google employee will attend. it can be more.
We'll be discussing about some ideas for the future GTUG events in Korea.
Seoul GTUG 3rd Event
Android, Google Apps, AR, AppInventor
50 attendees
After a long wait, we Seoul GTUG is finally having our 3rd event.
Our topics this time is Android, AppInventor, GoogleApps and AR.
Here is the agenda.
- Opening - Video from Google I/O 2010, AppInventor Demo (Sean Choe)
- Using OSGi on Android platform (Jinho Yoon)
- Examples of using GoogleApps in Your Business (Frank Jung)
- Possibilities of Augmented Reality (Jusung Kye)
Google Fanboy Quiz (Sean Choe)
- Fishbowl Discussion (Sung-young Jung)
And we'll be focusing on making good networks with people. Looking forward to have great time!
Seoul GTUG's Second Event (Android and AppEngine)
Android, Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit
50 attendees
The feedbacks we've got from attendees of the first meet-up, was that the subject was too wide-ranged.So we limited the topic to Android, AppEngine and GWT this time.Here's the list of speakers.Jaeku Choi - Comparison of Android and another mobile platforms.Brian Lee(Seoul GTUG organizor) - Web development with AppEngine and GWTGray - Free discussion about AndroidWe asked members to let us know if they have something to share among us. So the speakers list may be changed.
Seoul GTUG first meet-up
Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit
70 attendees
We are finally opening the first meet-up of Seoul GTUG!
This event will be a easy seminar + party where GTUG members can see each other in person for the first time and enjoy together.
Here's the agenda
1. Introducing organizers and speakers Seoul GTUG organizers
2. Introducing Seoul GTUG Sean Choe http://seanchoe.com
3. Developmental collaborating with web2.0 Mr. Kang http://www.ebizstory.com
4. Trend of mobile industry and smart phones Jae Kyu Choi [email protected]
5. Google AppEngine and cloud computing Brian Lee http://opencloud.kr
6. About Google Web Toolkit Jin Ho Yoon http://blog.naver.com/bosimno1
7. Discussions about future plans of Seoul GTUG Everyone
Here is the official link for the event. http://sites.google.com/a/gtugs.org/seoul/seminar/2009nyeon-12wol-19il-cheos-moim
Thank you! :)