Richmond GTUG

Richmond, United Kingdom

The Richmond UK Google Technology User Group (RichmondUK-GTUG) meets inTwickenham, UK. Dates for the meetings will be announced on the events section onthis site. We invite our members that develop applications using Googletechnology to do brief demos of 5 minutes or less. The main meetingstarts with general announcements followed by a technical presentationand/or demonstration of one or more Google technologies. The rest ofthe day is available for longer talks, extended Q&A and/or moreinformal networking before everyone heads home.Our meetingswill always be free and open to the general public. We will sometimesco-host a joint meeting with other User Groups. We also have thefollowing resources external to the group meetup site

  • Forum
  • YouTube Channel
  • Twitter Updates
Richmond GTUG Android Dev Camp 2012