MOBILizator 2012 - Hackathon
Android, PhoneGap
30 attendees
- 09:00 - MOBILization - start
- 14:00 - lunch break
- 19:00 - prezentations
- 19:30 - jury time and awards
- 20:00 - afterparty
Photos from this event are on our Google+ Page.
MOBILizator 2012 - PhoneGap workshops
Android, PhoneGap
35 attendees
- Introduction to PhoneGap
- Developer environment configuration
- Application architecture
- Building sample application
Required software: Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Web Developers or Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers with ADT
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
meet.js Summit
Google AJAX APIs, Google App Engine, Google Chrome Extensions, Open Web
260 attendees
During whole 2011 year many things has happend. GTUGs came to Poland and started organizing first Web / Android events. Alongside, early in 2011 there was first meet.js event in Poznań. Now, Poznań GTUG is one of the most active GTUGs in the world. meet.js meetings are made in four different cities in Poland. It's the highest time to summarize whole year.Meet.js Summit is a completely free and the hottest conference this winter! Join us in sharing the Open Web awesomeness. It's open, it's for everyone!
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Goolge+ Page!
Presentations are avaliable as link to slides and recorded videos.
GTUG organizers open meeting
End of 2011 is coming. It was really intensive time for us, during which from the place where there was no GTUG in Poland, we went through to 2 active groups (Warsaw & Poznan), 2 during incubation (Krakow & Wroclaw) and another 2 preparing for their first event (Szczecin & Tricity).
As Poznan GTUG we would like to meet with all of you, drink some beer and talk about our past events (Google I/O Extended & Android Winter School) and discuss future plans (meet.js summit / Hack&Learn / …).
If you like what we are doing and want to join, be welcome!
Location: Zoo Coworking, Zwierzyniecka 20 – second floor.
Android Winter School #9.2 – Fragments, widgets, sensors
Last workshop starts with design, implementation and ways of managing app widgets. We'll look into hardware sensors API and test most popular ones. Finally we'll cover fragments along with the Support Package in order to make adaptive and reliable layouts.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #9.1 – Fragments, widgets, sensors
Last workshop starts with design, implementation and ways of managing app widgets. We'll look into hardware sensors API and test most popular ones. Finally we'll cover fragments along with the Support Package in order to make adaptive and reliable layouts.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Hack&Learn – Dart
If you like hacking with new technologis and you have free Saturday, we invite you for first experimental meeting Hack&Learn.
During first event we will present basic informations about Dart and then spend full day creating some applications to test possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of this new language from Google.
Presentation from this meeting.
Hello Python World
Google App Engine, Python, Pylons, Zope, Plone, Django.
80 attendees
Together with STX Next Python Experts we invite for first presentation about Python and tools which are used to create web applications.
You will hear about advantages of Pylons, Zope, Plone, Django and how to use Google App Engine to host your Python application.
Android Winter School #8.2 - Gestures, animations and graphics
We'll start from simple canvas painting, transforming images, using custom shapes and fonts. Second part is all about moving various objects around the scene, using animations. Finally we'll get into gestures and touch recognition.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #8.1 - Gestures, animations and graphics
We'll start from simple canvas painting, transforming images, using custom shapes and fonts. Second part is all about moving various objects around the scene, using animations. Finally we'll get into gestures and touch recognition.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #7.2 – Services, alarms and ContentProviders
We're going to introduce background Services -- setting up and communicating with activities, particularly by IntentServices and Messengers and AIDL. AlarmManager will allow us to make our own alarm clock and ContentProviders should act as a good source of data stored on the device (contacts, media files, etc.).
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #7.1 – Services, alarms and ContentProviders
We're going to introduce background Services -- setting up and communicating with activities, particularly by IntentServices and Messengers and AIDL. AlarmManager will allow us to make our own alarm clock and ContentProviders should act as a good source of data stored on the device (contacts, media files, etc.).
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Global Day of Code Retreat
Code Retreat
20 attendees
Poznań GTUG joins global initiative of creating Code Retreat events around the world.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #6.2 – Maps, Geolocation, Internet
Fifth workshop is all about maps with custom layers as well as geolocation APIs, communicating via HTTP, delegating long-running tasks to background workers, parsing XML and JSON.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #6.1 – Maps, Geolocation, Internet
Fifth workshop is all about maps with custom layers as well as geolocation APIs, communicating via HTTP, delegating long-running tasks to background workers, parsing XML and JSON.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #5.2 - Persistent storage & ListViews
Topics covered: file system handling, external memory, assets and raw resources. SQLite database managing plus SQL primer, following by efficient advanced ListViews with custom row layouts.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #5.1 - Persistent storage & ListViews
Topics covered: file system handling, external memory, assets and raw resources. SQLite database managing plus SQL primer, following by efficient advanced ListViews with custom row layouts.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #4.2 – Preferences and notifications
We'll introduce system-wide broadcasts (receiving SMS messages), notification mechanism (flashing LED, vibrating, alarm sounds) as well as concepts of pending intents. Final part will be about managing shared preferences, using PreferenceActivity with XML declarations and pure programatically access methods.
Photos from this workshop are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #4.1 – Preferences and notifications
We'll introduce system-wide broadcasts (receiving SMS messages), notification mechanism (flashing LED, vibrating, alarm sounds) as well as concepts of pending intents. Final part will be about managing shared preferences, using PreferenceActivity with XML declarations and pure programatically access methods.
Photos from this workshop are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Chrome Apps Hackathon
Google Chrome Extensions
25 attendees
Contest for the best Chrome App held by Google Polska is ending soon. Join our hackathon and create small team with other developers to create awesome Chrome App together and win the price!
More information about event on poznan.gtug.pl site.
Watch photos from this event published on our Google+ page.
Android Winter School #3.2 – Next step
Second workshop starts with toast notifications along with styling and formattings strings. We're going to provide our applications with options menu and enrich user experience with alert and prompt dialogs. Final part will focus on system-wide implicit intents and our own custom activities with intent filters.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #3.1 – Next step
Second workshop starts with toast notifications along with styling and formattings strings. We're going to provide our applications with options menu and enrich user experience with alert and prompt dialogs. Final part will focus on system-wide implicit intents and our own custom activities with intent filters.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #2.2 – Basics
First workshop will introduce attendees to basics such as setting up development environment, getting to know most used tools, customizing visual UI components and layouts, managing resources and reacting to user actions. Second part is focused around activity lifecycle and basic communication methods between main application components.
Photos from this workshop are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #2.1 – Basics
First workshop will introduce attendees to basics such as setting up development environment, getting to know most used tools, customizing visual UI components and layouts, managing resources and reacting to user actions. Second part is focused around activity lifecycle and basic communication methods between main application components.
Photos from this workshop are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Android Winter School #1 – Hello Android
First lecture titled "Hello Android" which will open cycle of every week workshops, which will help you understand Android world and create first application on your smartphone.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Paul Kinlan – HTML5 & Chrome Web Store
Google Chrome Extensions, Web Intents
130 attendees
Google Polska announced competition about best Chrome Extension submitted to Chrome Web Store.
Paul Kinlan is coming to Poznań to give lecture about Chrome Web Store / HTML5 / JavaScript / Web Intents to help us prepare much better and interesting apps.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Google Apps Script by Saurabh Gupta
Google Apps Script
15 attendees
We would like to invite you to a virtual presentation and discussion with Saurabh Gupta, one of the key people in Google in regard to Google Apps Script.Google Apps Script is a JavaScript cloud scripting language. Apps Script is also JavaScript on server side which makes APIs more accessible and allows automation around Google Apps.As JavaScript developers, when we think of JavaScript, we think of building great user interfaces and user interaction. But, did you know that JavaScript on the server side movement is taking the JavaScript community by a storm?It turns out that JavaScript on the server side has found a great usefulness and Google Apps Script is blazing a trail on that front.This session will demonstrate how you can extend and automate your use of Google Apps by using Google Apps Script.The presentation and following live question / answer period will be held in English.
Photos from this event are avaliable on our Google+ Page.
Poznań+ - meeting of Google+ Users
Meet with other Google+ Users. Share your experience from using it and listen to some interesting tips & tricks in new Google product.
After that meet via Google Hangout Ade Oshineye* and ask him questions about Google+ and its future.
If you couldn't be on place here is video recorded during Google Hangout session and some photos from Poznan on Google+ Page.
* fellow Developer Advocate on Google+ and the main Google+ developer representative in Europe, Middle East and Africa
Google I/O Extended
Android, Google Chrome Extensions, HTML5
100 attendees
Google I/O Extended is a world wide event organised by Google Technology enthusiasts. They are based on live streaming Google I/O conference. In Poznań you can join us to watch lectures, discuss about interesting topics and have some fun in front of Xbox & PlayStation during breaks.
You can check out photos from this event on our Google+ Page.